Expand Your Expression Sessions
Free your voice, empower your authentic expression and create more impact with ease.
- A 12-session program designed to help women with holistic health business speak, sing and share their gifts with greater impact.
- Provides both expression and voice techniques while healing the psycho-spiritual roots of suppression.
- Builds authentic expression through body-mind-voice presence practices, emotional connection and self-realization.
- “Like a spiritual toastmasters”

Program Details
Transformational Program with 12 sessions
- Weekly group sessions
- Meet online through zoom
- All sessions recorded
- Voice as the vehicle to connect body and soul.
- Use your literal voice to unlock your symbolic voice in the world.
Each Session Includes:
- Themed Learning, reflection and discussion related to voice and liberating your voice
- Vocal embodiment exercises, warmups & tips for your speaking and singing voice
- Songs, circle songs or mantras to invite body- voice-soul connection
- Guided shamanic healing journeys to release suppression and integrate transformation
- Deepening practices and Om-work suggestions to integrate sessions
Journey Roadmap
Reconnect with Your Natural Voice – Your Birthright (sessions 1-3)
- Anchor in Authenticity: Learn foundational vocal liberation exercises and explore your voice as your identity.
- Voice Your Vision: Explore your wishes, visions & dreams for your voice & expression in the world.
- Attune with your Instrument, Your Body: Give your body a voice and attune to its wisdom for your expression.
Transform Vocal Inhibition (sessions 4-6)
- Name it to claim it: Dig in to the barriers causing vocal suppression & release these with ceremony
- Reclaim Expressive Instinct – Inner child: Play with your vocal innocence with Inner child expression journey.
- Reveal the Genius of the Inner critic: Explore your inner critic and discover their gifts
Amplify your Expressive Impact: Power, Ease, and Range (sessions 7-9)
- Empowered to Express: Explore your relationship with power and boundaries. Vocal exercises to find your low-end power & activate sound power centers. Journey to Inner Power Protector.
- Embrace your Nourishing Resonance: Explore your relationship with support & self-care. Vocal exercises to connect with resonant centers for ease in expression. Journey to Inner nurturer.
- Expand your Relationships and Range: Explore your edge, the zone of comfort and expansion. Vocal exercises to develop your range. Relationship healing journey.
Unleashing Creative Expression (sessions 10 -12)
Emotional Expression: Explore and understand the role of emotions and how to come to mastery in expression. Shadow work exploration. Vocal exercises to explore embodiment of emotions. Journey to release negativity around emotion & suppression
Creatively Seen and Heard: Explore your voice as a vessel for creativity and experimentation. Vocal exercises to explore improvisatory sounds and play. Workshop a song, speech or poem and play with it to find your authentic expression of it.
Expression Soul’s Gold – Consolidation: Integrate where you are now. Unlock your golden vocal shadow. Journey to being seen and heard authentically
Express yourself more honestly, openly and with more freedom and ease:
- Uncover and ground into trust of your natural unique sound
- Allow the resonant frequencies of your real voice to emerge and be expressed
Get empowered and build confidence to be heard and seen
- Heal your expression wounds and shed patterns of hiding and suppression
- Build confidence to speak and/or sing in front of others, to share your voice and your message with ease
Embrace who you are, Own your worth and value
- Release critical voices, perfectionism and embrace rather than judge yourself.
- Amplify healthy boundaries, Stand in your worth, stop abandoning your message
- Increase your ability to express needs and receive what resonates and nurtures
Unlock Your Vocal Ability, Artistry and Creativity
- Increase your vocal power, resonance and artistry
- Build your natural singing muscle and Sing like noone’s listening (even if they are!)
- Awaken your creative vocal gifts and amplify your signature vibration
Cultivate Clearer Communication, Intimacy and Connection in Relationships:
- Show up with others with more vulnerability, authenticity (not blocking or enabling), trust and security
- Allow for more honesty and connection with others, attract those who resonate
Infuse your business as you express your real purpose and path:
- Give yourself permission to share what you really came here for
- Connect with the genius of your challenges so you can express your dreams
Bonus Welcome Gifts
Sound for Self-healing guidebook
Complimentary Bio-Voice Analysis – find the frequencies your body needs/wants through your speaking voices
Unlimited email/messenger/text support in between sessions